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About Your NPC Libraries: Wi-Fi & Computer Access

Information about your NPC Libraries

Wi-Fi & Computer Access

NPC students, faculty and staff have access to computers and wi-fi in the libraries for free.

Public access for community members is available for a fee of $2.00/day or $47.00/semester.

All library and open lab computer use must be compliant with NPC policies and local laws.

Viewing sexually explicit materials on any NPC computer is a violation of the NPC Computer Usage Policy (Procedure #2130)* and could constitute a violation of A.R.S. §13-3507. The College reserves the right to respond to such violations per terms of the Usage Policy and statute. * NPC students needing to access such materials for legitimate educational research must have a written statement from their NPC instructor and request a private viewing area.

Remote Access Passwords for Students are required for eBooks, eAudioBooks, and Databases.

Reset your password

When all else has failed, you can call the Support Center during operating hours for assistance at 928-524-7447.

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