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Understanding AI
AI in Education
LinkedIn Learning
login through the NPC LinkedIn Learning account to access a resource list of articles about artificial intelligence and how to use it in the classroom.
AIPRM’s Ultimate Generative AI Glossary
Use this easy-to-understand glossary to confidently navigate the dynamic world of generative AI. Think of each term as a tool, helping you build a stronger understanding and fostering meaningful discussions in this fast-paced field. Discover and take command with the unmatched guidance provided by this resource, ready at your fingertips. ~Thanks to the STEM Club for Girls at Fullers Library for the link!
ChatGPT is about as exciting as a Twinkie
While new and perhaps useful, ChatGPT lacks the substance educators should be encouraging in their students' writing.
How To Teach Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence—code that learns—is likely to be humankind’s most important invention. It’s a 60-year-old idea that took off five years ago when fast chips enabled massive computing and sensors, cameras, and robots fed data-hungry algorithms.
How to use ChatGPT as a learning tool
Rather than weaken student effort, artificial intelligence can help prepare students for the real world by encouraging critical thinking—with a few caveats. Here’s advice from psychology instructors about how to use ChatGPT and other AI technology wisely
Why Human Writing Is Worth Defending In the Age of ChatGPT
The Detrimental Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Literacy and Cognition
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